By This photograph was modified with permission, and the modified work was authored by "Will Murray (Willscrlt)". Refer to the source information to determine the original source from which this work was modified. Attribution must be given to the author, which includes the author's name, his username in parentheses as shown, and a link to either his Website at http://willmurray.name or his online gallery at http://willmurraymedia.com. The author also appreciates notification if you use his work outside Wikimedia.Author of the original image: Dave Smith (cerealfan) - Source of unedited original image: Flickr, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1516482

White Lady

4 cl ginu

3 cl pomerančového likéru

2 cl citronové šťávy

Všechny přísady nalijte do šejkru s kostkami ledu. Dobře protřepejte. Sceďte a podávejte v koktejlové sklenici.

Short drinky


hodnoceno 2x